
  • Life is what you make it
  • Step Diet

Monday, August 29, 2011


I have been attached to you for so long ..whatever am I to do without you?  what would life be like?  You have been there as I walk up the stairs making it hard for me to breathe.. you have been there.. when I go to bend over to tie my shoes and I cant... you have been there when I put on my jeans and I have to tuck you inside or lay flat to make you fit..   you have been there when I take a shower and I get out and wrap a towel around me that wont fit... you have been there when I try to look in the mirror and I all I see is YOU... you have been there when I try to look sexy for a man and all he can see is you...

well guess what?? Im TIRED OF you... Tired of YOU being the object of peoples attention... so this is my goodbye letter to you who I will call my fat! Goodbye to all the tears I have shed because I have felt shame.. goodbye to you who have held me back and thought I didnt matter anymore or couldnt change... goodbye to you.. that made my life a hell and made me not want to look in the mirror.. GOODBYE  to you who have made me feel like I was not worthy to love.. goodbye to you who has made my heart heavy and in pain... Goodbye to you... who made me think I wasnt worth it..... I will never speak to you again this is.. MY LAST GOODBYE!

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