
  • Life is what you make it
  • Step Diet

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Take a stand

I have so many people my entire life say I cant be that or I cant do this.. Ex Husband voice sounding in my head... he would tell me : "I used you up you gained weight and you're not pretty anymore" What man will want you? look at you, you're fat you're ugly and well . you will NEVER be anything more than my satisfaction..." well that voice is still in my ear.. Sadly.. ......
I have learned I have a voice.. I can say to myself I CAN Do this... I CAN be happy I WILL be healthy  and I AM beautiful...  This poem is something I wrote the day I took my stand...
When life gets you down smile with grace,
To look into anthers face,
to see the pain and want to be complete
only to be loved and not to  be beat
Smile to make the pain go away
to know you will wake up another day
Life is to short to cry one more tear
or to live your life everyday in such fear
Smile for what the future will hold,
To know your life can be so bold
To give strength and hope to all who need it
To know your pain can be defeated
You are strong and Beautiful and grand
So today I WILL Make my STAND!!

Remember that if you truly believe in yourself that you can overcome anything in your life that's abusive ... To know you can make a stand.. to know that you are not tied to that for the rest of your life... Hold your head up High and Believe! 

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