
  • Life is what you make it
  • Step Diet

Monday, August 29, 2011

One Minute one day one breathe at a time!

Only one day at a time is all we can.. I have noticed since I started this weight loss journey that in the beginning I would beat myself up because I goofed for the day  then that would send me on a downward spiral... But you know what ....over time you learn what you need to do and guess what?? it becomes habit you do it without thinking... the right choices start coming naturally.. 

Remember Never let the fear of striking out get in your way... No one is perfect and mistakes will happen.. the minute you realize this don't think tomorrow is another day.. instead think the next minute is another choice and begin there.. 

Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can. Very important... if you are exercising and it seems to be a challenge push yourself to do that little extra and then ONE more... 

Do it or not. There is no 'try'...  Commit to yourself and always say you will do it.. try is not in your vocabulary ever!

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going..make healthy choices.. instead of hamburger and fries.. try a grilled chicken and a yogurt... 

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are.... Challenge yourself daily and the key is to always know tomorrow you can do more.. 

Goals are dreams with deadlines... Make mini goals.. and reward yourself when you meet them....

Impatience never commands success... patience is the key to make this lifestyle change.. remember you didn't gain the weight overnight and it will not come off in a day... 

ALWAYS ALWAYS Believe in yourself!!!

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